Mai'life in France VS Mai'life in Vietnam
"A lot of people being asking how do i feel about being eurasian?
Do you feel more Vietnamese or French ?
Where do you from ?
What? You can't speak Vietnamese fluently? How!?
France or Vietnam living preference?"
First, I want to say i'am not more french or more vietnamese in any case, I'm an hundred % eurasian,
and i m proud of it.
Vietnam and France are two countries totally different, both got differents cultures habits, lifestyle and i'm so glad to discover both of them.
Born and living 16 years in France, will make some people say i HAVE to feel more French,
well(...) not at all, living 3 years in Vietnam open my eyes. I didn't regret anything from moving
in Asia instead choosing to stay in Europe.
Premièrement, je voudrais dire que je ne suis pas plus francaise que vietnamienne dans aucun cas,
je me sens cent pour cent eurasienne et très fiere de l'être.
La France et le Vietnam sont deux pays totalement incomparable, niveau de vie, culture
et je suis ravie d'avoir la chance de découvrir ces deux-ci.
Née et ayant vécue 16 ans en France, peuvent laisser penser le fait de me sentir plus française,
(...) pas du tout, après trois ans de vie au Vietnam, cela m'a ouvert les yeux et je ne regrette en rien
mon déménagement en Asie qui m'a permis d'épanouir mes connaissances.
Breakfast comparison
I choose to compare here two most simple dishes from both side, breakfast.
I choose to compare here two most simple dishes from both side, breakfast.
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