I ve been meeting Dao TAN, who's a talented young photographer in
When do your interest for photography begin ?
At 18 years old i start like photography, it was a passion at first, directly i like portrait concepts.
Why portraits ?
I think the beauty is on the face and especially in the eyes, when i shoot portrait i like the natural emotion, nothing compare to acting pose or so, i really want girls show what they feels,thinks.
Have you shot a lot of boys portrait before?
Sometimes,but boys never ask for it, i prefer to shot girls anyway.
How much cost a portrait shoot?
Around 700,000vnd, customers get around 9 to 10 pictures, it takes about 1 to 2 hours shooting.
I let customers check my albums and pick a concept they like.
Why people says you are a young talent?
I think everyting starts on facebook, while people put many likes on my pictures, one day,
Yannews contact me and ask about my work.
How do you feel about teenagers got good cameras, is them photographer to be or only camera owners ?
Right now, camera are affordables to everyone, when i got into photography interest at eigteen years old, i first learn on internet the basics and now i'm still learning everyday,
every shot you can learn you something else.
Future job ?
I wish doing fashion for magazine, still shoot portrait for passion.
What did your parents says when you left school for your passion ?
I was studying design, multimedia about posters/logos.
My mother wanted me to work in office but well,i convince her and now she is proud of my work, she really wish my best and would like i get more exposure.

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